

two skilled thief's : one a con-artist skill in close quarters combat and a highly skilled makeup artist the other acrobatic champion as well as top marksmen one would almost say they were real professionals. decide to team up once again after 4 years to steal the recent treasure they heard about from a fellow thief he was always a tad sketchy and almost every lead he'd give them nearly killed them half to death.. that had been secretly shipped to and from one national museum to another because of the strange rumored curse it has with it several people had gone missing only leaving a unrecognizable remains behind .

the treasure they were after was said to be cursed the original wearer was someone in the mastery of black arts also vane about there appearance since they were a bit of the hefty side , the owner was able to reverse their size and keep trim and well tone for as long as they kept there emotions in check , this was suppose to be some sort of security measure to prevent other's from stealing it at the time but now , allot of higher ups have been meaning to buy it off the museums for quite a high price.. this is were the two thief come into the picture to take the treasure for themselves what they plan to do with it is up to them..

hours later

finally getting the treasure and taking it out of the case which required allot of effort since it was seal tight with what looked like Buddhist talisman they found it odd that it wasn't sealed with locks instead but putting that aside prepared to go home and celebrate driving to get back home along the way they were talking about how disappointed the mission was as well as making fun of the necklace and how angry they were going to be with the guy that usually gives them those leads..
after a while they started feeling gassy . their outfits were starting to get bit snug , and the sound of a chime could be heard , the necklace started to shine a black light and began floating while the girl was wearing it their bodies began to bloat they couldn't tell if it was fat since it was sort of soft and bouncy to the touch almost like there was water in them , or if it was air since there bodies sounded like balloons being filled up to the point it was restricting..
during the time several minutes have passed they soon became wedged in there seats from both sides of each other as there bodies swelled as if to competing to pushing each other for space they were being in to run out of room from both sides of the doors and each other, there fronts soon raced to the dashboard their bellies tied only to have them now completely pinned on allsides of the front seats.

not long till there back sides broke the chairs now as they fell backwards though not by much since they were wedged in the front their bodies continued to grow with there bellies pushing them backwards as well as there backside swelling toward the rear seating, from the outside of the car you would think an airbag that was far too over sized had gone off in the car , they felt like packaged meat as they now ran completely out of space to grow soon the windows gave way then the doors. as they were bulging out of the openings of the car the sharp parts of the insides of the door and broken windows pricked them simultaneously there yelps were muffled from there bodies having been too big while trapped in and under their on flesh...

sometime after the sun started rising the guy who tipped them off had arrived at the scene, the ground was sticky the car looked like a bomb went off in it as the roof the the thing had been lying on the ground and the car itself had been bent out of proportion the force of the blast must of been incredible , he noted this to himself. after surveying the area to make sure no one else was present he then began searching the car or around it . he managed to find the box as it was near the break inside the car and after some time trailing the trajectory of the mess leading to some bushes few minutes later he found it and put it back in the case. now all set he walks off while taking out his cellphone notifying an aqaintence he had retrieved the item.


  1. Anonymous8/13/2008

    Good to see you back. :) I like the story included with the picture.

  2. Anonymous8/14/2008

    Good job, bootsy. Glad you're back... almost thought you were gone for good. :(
